Urbanstrong’s Cradle-to-Cradle Exterior Living Walls

PSA: Our preferred exterior living wall system recently was awarded bronze certification for the Cradle-to-Cradle program. For those who are unfamiliar with the Cradle-to-Cradle (C2C); it is an internationally recognized certification that awards raw materials and innovative products for their ability to be upcycled or reused. It is sustainability in its truest form- but let’s start from the beginning. 

What is Cradle-to-Cradle?

C2C is a design philosophy thought up by architect William Mcdonough and chemist Michael Braungart. This design can be seen as an engine for product innovation, emphasizing environmental impact, social responsibility, and health; all with the goal to reduce waste and promote a more circular economy. 

In ‘Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things’, the book puts forth the below 3 design principles, all derived from nature. 

  1. Everything is a resource for something else: Everything can be designed to be disassembled and safely returned to the soil as biological nutrients, or re-utilized as high-quality materials for new products as technical nutrients without contamination.

  2. Use clean and renewable energy: Living things thrive on the energy of current solar income. Similarly, human constructs can utilize clean and renewable energy in many forms—such as solar, wind, geothermal, gravitational energy, and other energy systems being developed today—thereby capitalizing on these abundant resources while supporting human and environmental health.

  3. Celebrate diversity: Around the world, geology, hydrology, photosynthesis, and nutrient cycling, adapted to locale, yield an astonishing diversity of natural and cultural life. Designs that respond to the challenges and opportunities offered by each place fit elegantly and effectively into their own niches.

Exterior Living Wall system & C2C

Our exterior living wall manufacturer has achieved the necessary five requirements to obtain the bronze certificate. These requirements are listed below: 

Material Health

Material Reutilization

Renewable Energy & Carbon Management 

Water Stewardship

Social Fairness

Why work with a C2C system?

A company with a C2C certification early on will inevitably become a front runner in their market which translates into a competitive advantage. C2C can also make a significant contribution in earning points under LEED and BREAM standards. Lastly, as companies’ missions and ethos continue to center around sustainable practice, a C2C product will only further bolster branding.


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